Dilemma, Solved: 3 Dental-Health-Related Worries Every First-time Mom Has

It’s not surprising that first-time moms worry so much about their kid’s dental health. A lot of the noticeable changes happen in the mouth. And a lot of their favorite habits, including candy-nibbling, nail-biting, thumb-sucking, and tongue-thrusting contribute to serious oral problems later in life.

So if you’re all jittery when it comes to dental hygiene and stuff, it’s totally okay. We’ve come up with a list of frequently asked questions related to oral health and answered them for you to calm those anxieties:

Is it normal for my child to have permanent teeth before baby teeth fall out?

Primary teeth usually begin falling out at the age of 6. Permanent teeth push against the roots of the baby teeth, which make the latter loose and fall out. There are times, however, when the permanent miss the primary and instead push against the gums.

Because of this, the milk teeth remain. Eventually, though, this fixes itself, and the tooth would come out. But you can also encourage your child to use their tongue to wiggle the tooth until it detaches. If they don’t fall out after a week or so, take them to the dentist.

As a note, even before they have this issue, make sure to get them accustomed to visiting a pediatric dentist here in Scottsdale, AZ. Children are less terrified of clinics when you take them early on.

What if my kid swallowed some toothpaste?

If this happened only a few times, there’s nothing to worry about. It shouldn’t cause any problems. But if it becomes a habit and they put a gigantic mass on their brush, the excessive amount of fluoride can damage the enamel, while also developing white streaks on the teeth.

They might experience an upset stomach too. To avoid this, teach your kids to spit toothpaste. Model the habit for them. Make brushing a family activity. Choose a less fruity flavor for paste (but don’t go for the unflavored because you might altogether turn them off from cleaning their teeth).

Put the gel yourself in their brush to make sure it’s just the right amount. And for storage, keep the tubes away from children’s reach, perhaps high up in your bathroom cabinet.

teeth mold and a dental mirror

What should I do if my child has a toothache?

It can happen anytime. But most of the time, it’s at ungodly hours. So you want to know the first-aid treatment you can do to relieve your child’s pain. Give them warm water that has a teaspoon of table salt and let them rinse their mouth with it. This can help ease the soreness.

From there, apply an ice pack at the side of their cheeks where it’s painful. This will reduce the twinges. You can also give them over-the-counter pain relievers, but if that doesn’t help and they can’t sleep through it, take them to an emergency dentist. Do note that there are different reasons behind toothaches.

Not just cavities. They could have a chipped tooth due to an injury. They may have loose fillings. There might be food stuck somewhere. The dentist should identify the cause of the problem.

What Do You Worry About?

It’s normal to be anxious as a first time mom over your child’s dental health. But you can very well be at peace if you arm yourself with the right information, as well as work with a trusted kids’ dentist. As early as now, find one and educate yourself.

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