Best Alternatives for Insulating Your Internal Walls

Most people are still not as keen on insulating their homes. Unfortunately, without insulation, you are losing over 35% of the heat in your interiors. This not only affects your home’s energy efficiency but will also affect your indoor comfort. For others, insulating the attic is all they need to keep their interiors comfortable. Attic insulation is no doubt important, but it is not enough. One of the often-overlooked areas when insulating your property is the wall.

Other than indoor comfort and energy-efficiency, wall insulation using blown insulation in Kansas City and other options will avert condensation on the walls. In so doing, it will protect your walls from water damage. The ideal solution for your property will depend on your desired R-value and the part you are insulating. Here are the best options for insulating your internal walls.

Rigid Board Insulation

These are made of fibrous materials like fiberglass and mineral slag or of plastic foam. Rigid foam insulation can alternatively be bought in the form of batts that are smaller board portions fitted into your wall cavities. This insulation alternative is typically strong yet very light and will thus add to the structural strength of your walls. Moreover, other than thermal insulation, it provides acoustic insulation. Though rigid board insulation has a high rot resistance, it should not be exposed to dampness for extended periods.

Blown-In Insulation

Blown-in insulationThis marks the best choice for optimal thermal performance at the lowest price. This form of insulation is essentially a foam blanket that covers your insulated wall and averts air leaks to and from the exterior. The insulation is often made of fiberglass that is incredibly durable, quick to install, inexpensive, and ideal for covering even the smallest gaps in your walls. Blown-in insulation can also be made of rock wool fiber or cellulose. Cellulose has a high R-value and is recyclable. Though expensive, rock wool fiber has exceptional sound insulation and is pest repellent and noncombustible.

Stone Wool Insulation

This is an ideal choice for trapping your indoor air owing to the porous nature of the material used. Stone wool is also an excellent insulation choice for those looking for sound insulation as it filters the noise from your exteriors. Moreover, it is a safe choice since it is noncombustible.

Foil Insulation

This was not as popular an option for wall insulation as fiberglass and rigid board insulation but is now quickly gaining popularity. The aluminum foil used in this case is an exceptional insulator that prevents the radiation of heat and causes its reflection back to the source. In simple words, foil insulation will send the heat back from whence it came. It is hence more effective for wall insulation than other materials that will simply slow heat passage to the other side of your walls.

With your walls sufficiently insulated using one of the above options, you can sit back and enjoy the energy savings and comfort that come with it. Some ‘’online experts’’ recommend a DIY wall installation of these materials. While they make it seem straightforward, installation of wall insulation is far from this and should be handled by an expert to ensure its safety and the walls’ integrity.

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