What You Must Know About Joint Pain

With more than 300 joints in the human body, one of them is bound to get all achy and sore. Joint pain is one of the leading causes of disability in the United States.

Despite its growing prevalence, many wrong ideas still surround it. This makes the diagnosis and treatment more challenging, especially for patients. Make better decisions for yourself and your doctor by breaking these falsehoods:

1. Steroids Are the Best Treatment for Joint Pain

You can develop joint pain for a variety of reasons, and one of these has something to do with your immune system. When it goes into overdrive, it increases inflammation. This results in the redness, soreness, and tenderness you feel.

For this reason, some doctors recommend injecting steroids, which suppress the immune system. In some cases, though, they might not be the best solution.

In a 2017 study in Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, non-invasive treatments such as fitness and rehabilitation products can be more effective than steroid injections. This is mainly for knee pain caused by osteoarthritis.

Other studies also showed that low-impact exercises such as yoga or swimming could also improve joint pain and tenderness. Some mobility helps keep your joints healthy.

2. Only Older People Suffer from Joint Pain

Joint pain is not a condition for seniors only, although it can worsen with age. Think of your joints as moving mechanical parts. No matter how often you oil the gears, at some point, they will break down.

For those with osteoarthritis, it can begin as early as 40 years old. The Osteoarthritis Foundation International revealed that 70% of women already develop pain when they reach 35 years old.

Juvenile arthritis is a condition characterized by the swelling or inflammation of the synovium. It is the soft tissue that lines the joints. It affects children 16 years old and below.

3. Joint Pain Is an Isolated Condition

elbow joint in pain

Diseases or medical conditions can be just as complex as the body. A good example is joint pain. For a long time, people believed it is only a musculoskeletal disorder. Over time, they learned that those with psoriasis, a common skin condition, also have a higher chance of developing arthritis.

In 2015, Australian researchers established a link between heart valve disease and arthritis based on the inflammatory proteins the body produced.

Another study published in 2017 cited how the same bacteria that increase the risks of Crohn’s disease, a digestive issue, can also boost the odds of musculoskeletal pain. It can attack not only the bowels but also the spine and the joints.

4. Joint Pain Is Arthritis

Arthritis seems to be the leading cause of joint pain in the United States, but it’s not the only one. It might also develop due to injury, poor posture, aging, or physical activity. It can be chronic, which means it comes and goes for a certain period, or acute. One you receive the right treatment, it goes away for a long time.

If you have joint pain, know you’re not alone. You also don’t need to suffer from it all the time as well. You can already get help, and the information here can assist you in making better health choices.

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