The Wettest Place in Your Home: Dealing with Excess Humidity in the Bathroom

Brisbane can be a beautiful place to settle down and live, with its relaxed, quiet lifestyle and spacious homes. The weather is fantastic, but the summer months can be longer and hotter than elsewhere. If you’re living in Brisbane, you probably spend lots of time in air-conditioned buildings and cooling off when you get home.

When you step into the bathroom after a long and hot day out, the last thing you want to feel is hot, humid air. Our summers can get quite humid, and with the bathroom already being the wettest place in most homes, moisture in the air can often condense on surfaces, dripping and seeping across the room. Over time, this wears away at paint and wallpaper and can lead to unpleasant mould formation.

Here are some ways to deal with humidity in your bathroom.

Ensure ventilation

Modern homes in Australia are usually well designed for our climate. If your ventilation system isn’t working as it should, that could be the leading cause of any problems with humidity in your bathroom. Make sure the air vents are clean and open.

If you have a window in the bathroom, keeping it open is an easy way to ensure proper airflow. If you must keep it closed, though, consider a double glazed window as this helps reduce condensation forming.

Most bathrooms have an exhaust fan, which is another key to proper ventilation. A clean, properly functioning fan pulls out the moist air. If you don’t have one yet, installation should be a priority in fixing any humidity issues. If you have one, make sure you turn it on with the light and leave it on for 10-15 minutes after showering.

Remove moisture sources

The more prolonged moisture stays in the room, the more humidity you’ll have to deal with. An excellent secondary method of dealing with excessive humidity is to deal with any extra water in the area. Hang towels out to dry outside the bathroom, even outdoors.

Make sure water pooling on the floor is draining properly. Long-standing water can indicate problems with your drainage that should be attended to.

Make space and wipe surfaces

clean bathroom space

Condensation forms easily on glass, and you’ll find yourself constantly wiping it off your mirrors. But other surfaces can accumulate moisture too. If your bathroom has too much clutter, look into ways to make space so you can see and wipe away moisture from all surfaces.

Consider removing shower curtains and replace them with shower screens. Curtains have a larger surface area for condensation while being inefficient at preventing leaks and spills, and also being harder to wipe down. Screens are more effective while also making your bathroom look more spacious. Remember, every small step counts when dealing with the Brisbane humidity.


In the event of paint damage, or unusual condensation forming on your painted walls, look into repainting with anti-condensation paint. This will help reduce moisture formation on your walls and facilitate its downward flow.

Mould treatment

If humidity has caused mould to form in your bathroom, it’s best to consult a professional. Even if do-it-yourself treatment can work, you may not be dealing with the root cause of mould formation. An inspection of the home can reveal if structural issues are contributing to the formation of mould, especially if your house had recent water damage from a flood or storm.

A professional assessment will let you decide if it’s time to take the next step of renovation. But as long as things don’t go that far, look into the more simple, cost-effective options first for making your bathroom as comfortable as necessary.

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