Missing Teeth: Should You Mind the Gap?

Poor dental hygiene, accidents, and oral health diseases are among the common reasons people lose their teeth. This can then create gaps between the teeth and cause not just aesthetic concerns, but also lower quality of life. Some may feel self-conscious about their overall appearance, while others may not be able to eat the food they once enjoyed.

If you too have missing teeth, you need to mind the gap and replace it with a stable solution. Whilst it is true that losing a tooth is not a life-threatening condition, it can have detrimental consequences that can affect not just your oral health, but also your overall health and wellbeing. This is mainly because letting the gap sit for a long time can pose a number of health problems.

Your smile and appearance with a lost tooth

Dental implant dentists in London, UK note that the main issue with missing teeth is that it can cause the neighbouring teeth to shift, filling in the gaps and spaces left by the lost tooth. This can lead to bite and alignments issues, or even make your teeth become crooked.  This can compromise your confidence and negatively affect the way you interact with others.

Another major concern with missing teeth is that it can cause your jawbone to shrink, especially if you have lost several or all of your teeth. Premature wrinkling is likely and the skin on your face may start to sag or loosen, making you look older than you truly are. This is because you are losing both muscle support and facial bone for every tooth that you lose.

Compromised oral and overall health

Tooth roots provide stimulation on the jawbone to keep it strong and healthy. This is why losing a tooth can cause the bone in the affected area to weaken and deteriorate, as well as raise your risk for other dental problems. The gaps between teeth, furthermore, can trap food and plaque, increasing your risk for gum disease, tooth decay, and additional tooth loss.

Other consequences of missing teeth include:

  • Compromised speech – Gaps can make it difficult for you to speak or pronounce certain words.
  • Poor nutrition – Missing teeth can make certain foods difficult to chew, which will then limit your food choices.
  • Unhappiness or anxiety – Low self-esteem caused by tooth loss can result in unhappiness or hesitations to socialise or interact with others.

The stable replacement solution

Dental implants for missing teeth
Dental implants are considered the best replacement solution, as they can stop further damage associated with lost teeth. Apart from closing the gaps, the implants also provide a stable foundation for a replacement tooth that looks, feels, and functions like the real thing. They have an artificial tooth root that eventually integrates into the jawbone and prevents bone loss.

Dental implants allow to you enjoy life without having to worry about your teeth. Other reasons to love implants include:

  • Prevent changes in your facial shape
  • Allow you to speak naturally and easily
  • Will not get cavities
  • Easy to brush and floss (no special products required)
  • Won’t slip, fall out, or click when you speak, laugh, or eat in public
  • Restore bite force
  • Can last a lifetime with proper care

Don’t let missing teeth lower your quality of life. Mind the gap and choose a dental implant to replace your lost teeth. Contact a dental implant dentist today to find out how this replacement solution can change your life for the better.

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